Blueberry Smoothie

Haunted by love, Karl drinks Brad’s favourite smoothie, torn between clinging to memories or embracing healing.

The Story

After a heart-wrenching breakup, Karl clings to memories of his passionate relationship with Brad. Vivid dreams of their happiest moments haunt him, leaving him feeling empty and alone. In a desperate attempt to hold onto the past, Karl consumes Brad’s beloved blueberry smoothie daily, hoping it will keep their connection alive. However, this obsession takes a toll, blinding him to the damage he inflicts on himself and others. As his behaviour grows increasingly erratic and dangerous, Karl must confront reality and make a crucial choice: dwell in the past’s comfort or embrace an uncertain future, to heal and find himself once more.

This short film explores the loss of a relationship and acceptance of that loss and how grief when not dealt with can ruin lives.


Blueberry Smoothie had its World Premiere at the London Independent Film Festival 2023.

The film has been selected for 14 international and local film festivals, including the London Independent Film Festival, Berlin Independent Film Festival, Silicon Beach Film Festival®, The Independent LGBTQ+ Film Festival, LGBTQ+ Toronto Film Festival, and the Australia Film Festival, where it won 12 awards for Best Short Film and Best LGBT Film. Additionally, the film was a semi-finalist at the San Francisco Arthouse Short Festival and the Paris International Short Festival. The script received an “Honourable Mention” at the Finish Line Script Competition and garnered five more screenwriting awards, including Best Short Screenplay at the Los Angeles Film Awards and Best Short Screenplay (LGBTQIA) at the New York Screenwriting Awards. It was also a semi-finalist at the San Francisco Arthouse Short Festival.

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